Need A Movie Schedule? Try This - How Do Movie Theatres Decide Show Times

Remember when we used to run around like kids with little to no worries in the world, and the only things we really cared to hear about was whether our favorite TV show was on and when dinner was ready? Then, of course, you grow up, and everything you do is attached to a schedule, a rigid creature that tells you where you need to be and when with enough reach to even dictate a movie schedule for the masses.

Actually, the idea of a movie schedule is a pretty cool thing to have available to you. Creature imagery aside, knowing when movies are showing and where can actually be a highlight for the person who needs to plan a group gathering, field trip, or even a date. These schedules are great because they’re timesavers, giving you a chance to know what’s on at a glance. Ticket holders can also use schedules to their advantage if they’re in need of changing showtime for their ticket purchase due to unforeseen scheduling conflicts. But where do you find this kind of schedules? Here’s a basic guide to help out:


It’s old-fashioned, a little antiquated, and you may not find every theater using this resource, but you can still find movie schedules available in your local newspaper. It can be hard to argue with black and white, which means reliability in the info you’re seeing is pretty high.

Physical Box Office

You could actually just go to the theater and see what’s playing and when. Some folks will even make a trip just to do this, but that seems a little silly. The point of movie schedules is to make things easier, but this can certainly count as an option.

Theater Chain Websites

If you’re a business with no online presence, you’re basically invisible. That’s bad news, and as such, movie theater chains have done a lot of work to establish an online profile for the tech-savvy. Showtimes for all movies are readily available, and changes can be made almost in real time.

Apps and Mobile Technology

If you’re really tech-savvy and rely on your phone or other mobile devices for everything, there are actually a slew of apps that can be personalized to certain settings so that you’re notified of what movies are showing and when at a moment’s notice. It’s as though you’ve got a personal movie butler at your disposal in your pocket.
A movie schedule is really nothing more than an extension of your old T.V. Guide. The really cool part of these schedules is that they’ve changed with the times, with new technology giving us greater access to the movie info we really want without all of the filler we can do without. We can only imagine what the future of movies schedules will hold, but if the latest technology is any indication, we can look forward to some really cool personalization to the entire movie process.

Flix Brewhouse in Frisco, TX has an enviable movie schedule filled with first-run movies, as well as movie-themed events that will make you come back over & over again!
Need A Movie Schedule? Try This - How Do Movie Theatres Decide Show Times Need A Movie Schedule? Try This - How Do Movie Theatres Decide Show Times Reviewed by Madeboost on June 20, 2019 Rating: 5

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