What You Should Know Before You Take Your Family To A Movie Grill - Studio Movie Grill

Taking the kids to the movies can be an ordeal in your hectic life. But it can also be a great opportunity to help your kids become critical moviegoers and to stay involved with them. If you’re planning a date with your family at your local movie grill, here are some tips to help you get the most out of your evening.

Plan Ahead

Sure, going to a movie can be spontaneous, but when you go to a movie grill, you want to think ahead. By planning, you can talk about what movies interest your kids and what movies you want to see. You can find a happy medium. Choose matinees and early shows if your kids are younger. If your kids are old enough, you can teach them about ratings that will help them figure out what movies fit their age and preferences. If you’ve never taken your kids to a movie grill, you might want to prepare them for the experience to know what to expect and how to act.

Get to the Theater About 20 minutes Early

If you’re trying to watch a popular movie on one of its first nights out, you may want to buy tickets ahead of time, but generally, 20 minutes gives you time to purchase your seats and look through the menu of the movie grill before the lights go down. It will also give you time to help your kids order what they want without bothering your neighbors. When you choose seats, go for seats closer to the exit to make a quick escape if your child needs to go to the bathroom. With younger kids, even if you take them before the movie, you can expect to have to get up once. You can skip some of the previews by going to the restroom after you order.

Start a Tab

Again, depending on your kids, you might want to give them a budget to stick to or you can just order for them. Know your budget before you go so you’re not shocked at the end of the night. Movie grills make it easy to get what you want, even when the movie is running. You’ll get your check toward the end of the movie.

Enjoy the Movie

The movie grill experience is delightful because you can just relax and take in the movie. Remind your kids to turn off their cell phones and put them away. Make sure to tell them that the theater is a quiet zone. Be ready to take your child out if they get disruptive. Just go with the flow if it’s their first time in the theater. You can always find your server outside the theater to get your bill.

Talk About the Movie With Your Kids

After the movie, make sure to talk about the experience with your kids. Ask them open-ended questions to get their opinions. Talk about the themes in the movie, both positive and negative themes. Make sure to address bullying and violence in the movie. Asking questions, “why did the character act badly?” or “what did the character do right?” can encourage critical development.
Your family will love a trip the movie grill at Flix Brewhouse Carmel
What You Should Know Before You Take Your Family To A Movie Grill - Studio Movie Grill What You Should Know Before You Take Your Family To A Movie Grill - Studio Movie Grill Reviewed by Madeboost on June 17, 2019 Rating: 5

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